Wesham Club Day 2017 – help required

Wesham Club Day 2017 – help required

Wesham Club Day 2017 is approaching fast

Plans are well under way for a bigger event this year but we are now putting out a request for help from local businesses……

Our aim is to provide a Fun, Family Day. We are bringing in more things to see, things to do, inflatables, rides and we are providing variety of food and drink options.

In the past local businesses have asked what they can do to help and this year we have come up with a plan. Wouldn’t it be great for the kids to get free face painting, or free balloon models, or listen to free storytelling, or for kids to get prizes from the running-races ? For this we are looking for local businesses to step in and help sponsor part (or all !) of the event.

Its a non-profitmaking event. We have no “budget” but we want to put on the best event possible for the community.

So … if you own a local business, or work for a major multi-national, or anywhere in-between, and would like to support the event then you would have our eternal gratitude

Many thanks

The Club Day Committee

(please share, like and comment to keep this moving around )

#wesham #weshamclubday #weshamfunday #familydayout #localbusiness#community

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, child and outdoor

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