
Wesham Memory Walk – September 17th
A big date coming up in the Wesham calendar ….. its almost Wesham Memory Walk day. This is a local event, growing year on year, that has helped raise thousands of pounds for the Alzheimer’s Society. More info below from the organiser, Kathryn 🙂 Please share !!!
Wesham Memory Walk was established in 2015 to raise money and awareness of dementia for the Alzheimer’s Society. People of all ages from the communities of Kirkham and Wesham can walk the scenic 5.5km with their families and friends around the lanes and streets of Wesham.
Starting at St Joseph’s the route meanders down Mowbreck Lane into Treales and then past the Boys’ Brigade into Kirkham via Memorial Way. Having crossed the Memorial Park, the route then follows the main road through
Kirkham and Wesham.
The success of Wesham Memory Walk has largely hinged upon the communities of Kirkham and Wesham where families, small businesses and the local public house unite together on (what has, so far, been) a glorious Sunday afternoon in September. The result has been turnouts of between 200 and 300 people and money raised to date of approximately £12,000.
This year’s walk falls on Sunday 17 th September, starting at 13.00 and the aim is to build upon the success of previous years. We urge anyone who has not yet participated to come along and soak up the atmosphere, bring their family, friends and dog and make a small contribution to the cause.
Anybody who would like to raise money through sponsorship can do so here:
And free sign-up for the walk can be found here:
https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wesham-memory- walk-2017- tickets-
We look forward to seeing everybody on 17th September!
#wesham #weshammemorywalk #memorywalk #alzheimerssociety
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