Survey of Flooding and surface water management
The linked survey is aimed at residents and business owners in Fylde Borough Council administrative area to establish the extent and impact on flooding in the borough. Councillors at Fylde have commenced a major review of flooding and surface water management to see if the existing arrangements are sufficient to deal with impacts now and in the future. Why we are collecting the data? Fylde Borough Council are undertaking a Service Review of Surface Water Management and Flooding in the Borough and as a result are asking residents for their experiences of flooding to their property, business, or land before, during and after the flood event, The Environment Health and Housing Committee have established a working group made up of Councillors and Officers of the Council who may ask you to give evidence to the working group of your flood experience In order to carry out the review it will be necessary to collect and process your personal data. With whom we will be sharing the data Fylde Borough Council may share data with the Environment Agency, other government departments and agencies, Lead Flood Authority, local authorities (and their representative bodies) United Utilities in pursuance of the aim of Improving surface water management and flooding. For how long we will keep the (personal) data? Your (personal) data will be held for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which is has been collected. Any personal data will be stored in a secure Fylde Borough Council IT system. It will not be transferred to a country outside the European Economic Area or used for any automated decision making. Your rights e.g. access, rectification, erasure Where the data we are collecting is your personal data, you have considerable say over what happens to it.